In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Back in the Real Big Smoke

Well the trip out West was lots of fun and now we're back out East with our noses to the grindstone.

We took a boat load of photos from the traditional (as seen above) to the romantic:

Either way, if you are interested in seeing a photographic history of our trip through The Couve, you can do so here:

If you look hard enough you will be able to see photographic evidence of that marauding Flapper!

We got to do a lot of fun things, hike about downtown, drive outside of the city and see the surrounds, walk through Stanley Park and the Vancouver Aquarium, sample some brew at The Railway club, and of course hang out with my family.

If it wasn't for the massive delay (well 2 hours) that saw us arrive at our apartment at 4:00am Sunday morning well I would have said that the trip went of without a hitch...but what can you do...nothing is perfect.

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